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  资料版本: 新人教版
  资料类型: 试卷
  适用范围: 高三
  文件类型: word
  资料大小: 360KB
  上传时间: 2013-04-23
  资料等级: 会员


21.The farmer’s already ________ health got worse after he was forced to leave the hospital    for lack of money.
    A.parallel    B average    C.fragile    D.splendid
22.The second and third years have a range of ________ courses which provide the choice    necessary to meet individual interests and career needs.
    A.sufficient    B.optional    C.admirable      D.precious
23.Although he has signed ________ a three-month contract at the football club, Dickson is    longing to stay for longer.
    A.initially      B.unusually    C.genuinely    D.seriously
24.The worse air quality in the country has strengthened the government’s ________ to do    something to address the problem.
    A.ability        B.concern      C.resolve     D.proposal
25.Money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness, so we can safely draw a conclusion that making a    fortune is not always a good ________ for a happy life.
    A.challenge      B.criterion     C.ingredient    D.qualification
26.To the surprise of the manager, Mrs. Black, who is not easy to deal with, quickly ________ and accepted the new work schedule.
    A.hesitated        B.condemned    C.compromised     D.complained
27.We recently did a simple experiment which happens to ________ how children’s     knowledge of what a hero is like determines their behaviour.
    A.congratulate    B.acknowledge    C.distinguish     D illustrate
28.Somehow, the old man had ________ a dangerous secret, one which could not be    discussed in a room on a military base.
A.put out        B.1et out         C.set out         D.cut out
29.It is necessary that parents should ________ the responsibility of helping their children develop legal awareness.
    A.take on        B.carry on        C.look on         D.keep on
30.If you are ________ then exercise, or the movements you make, will cause you some  degree of physical harm.
    A.out of breath    B.out of work    C.out of luck      D.out of condition


答案:21—25 C B A C B ;  26—30 C D B A D
21.C  句意:在他因为没钱被迫离开医院之后这位农民已经虚弱的身体变得更差了。parallel平行的;average平均的,普通的;fragile脆弱的;splendid辉煌的。
22.B 句意:第二年和第三年有多种选择的可以提供满足个人的兴趣和职业选择所需的课程。sufficient足够的,充足的;optional可供选择的;admirable值得尊重的;precious宝贵的,珍贵的。
23.A  句意:虽然他最初和足球俱乐部签了三个月的合同,但Dickson希望呆更长时间。initially开始,最初;unusually不寻常地;genuinely正真地;seriously严肃地。
24.C  据意:这个国家更糟的空气质量加强了政府做些事情来解决这个问题的决心。ability能力;concern关心;resolve决心;proposal提议。
25.B  句意:钱不一定买到幸福,因此我们能安然地做出结论:赚了很多钱不一定是衡量幸福的好标准。challenge挑战;criterion标准;ingredient(构成)要素,因素;qualification资格。
26.C  句意:让经理感到吃惊的是Mrs. Black很快妥协了接受了新的工作时间表,他是不容易相处的。hesitate迟疑;condemn谴责,宣判;compromise妥协;complain抱怨。
27.D  句意:我们最近做了一个阐明了孩子们对英雄了解多少决定了他们的行为的简单的实验。congratulate祝贺;acknowledge承认,鸣谢;distinguish区分,辨别,分清;illustrate说明,表明。
28.B  句意:不知怎么的,这位老人泄露了一个危险的秘密,一个不能在军事基地房间里讨论的秘密。put out扑灭;let out泄露(秘密);set out开始着手做;cut out剪下。
29.A  句意:父母应该承担帮助他们的孩子们提高法律意识的责任是有必要的。take on承担,呈现,雇用,录用;carry on继续进行;look on观看,面向;keep on继续。
30.D  句意:如果你身体状况不好,那么锻炼或运动将引起一定程度上的身体损伤。
out of breath上气不接下气;out of work失业;out of luck运气不好;out of condition健康状况不好。

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