
 The other day we went on a trip to our community’s new fountain(喷泉). My oldest daughter, Anne, was super  41  and eagerly explored the attractions. There I was happy to see Lily, who was of Anne age. They didn’t know each other well,  42  they had met at gymnastics before. I was  43  that Anne would have someone to enjoy the  44  with. However, my daughter was about to  45  an important social lesson.

  I watched Anne run  46  after Lily and her other friends. I was saying something to my husband when I heard a loud “No!” I turned to see Anne’s face full of  47  and shock as Lily  48 . I went over to see what had happened and Anne said Lily didn’t want to  49  with her. Thinking that there must be a(n)  50 , I told Anne that she should just ask Lily  51  if she could play with her. Generally speaking, this would  52 . But Anne’s quiet request to play was shot down by another loud “No!”

  I gave her a(n)  53  and told her it was  54 , and that Mommy, Daddy and her little sister would play with her. Later that day as I was talking about the fun we’d had, she asked me why Lily didn’t  55  her.

  I said not everyone wanted to play with us and that if one person didn’t want to be  56  you, that didn’t mean you were not  57  or important to others. I thought I had  58  it clearly. She didn’t mention it any more and I haven’t seen any lasting side effects. However, I can’t  59  it. I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of the memory of her  60  at that moment. My heart has been forever wounded on her behalf.

41.A.shocked      B.worried     C.excited      D.satisfied

42.A.but        B.so        C.if         D.because

43.A.curious      B.glad       C.proud       D.afraid

44.A.water       B.meal       C.toy        D.trip

45.A.give        B.show       C.review       D.learn

46.A.early       B.badly      C.happily       D.safely

47.A.sympathy      B.smile      C.fear        D.disappointment

48.A.ran off      B.sat down     C.broke in      D.looked around

49.A.share       B.play       C.discuss       D.meet

50.A.decision      B.interest     C.misunderstanding  D.congratulation

51.A.quickly      B.constantly    C.shyly       D.nicely

52.A.advance      B.come       C.work        D.start

53.A.hug        B.award      C.letter       D.ticket

54.A.suitable      B.okay       C.obvious       D.lucky

55.A.do with      B.deal with    C.work with      D.play with

56.A.against      B.beyond      C.around       D.behind

57.A.loved       B.praised     C.doubted      D.ignored

58.A.reported      B.explained    C.prepared      D.proved

59.A.observe       B.believe     C.change       D.forget

60.A.quarrelB.faceC.illness D.mistake



  41—45 C A B A D   46—50 C D A B C

  51—55 D C A B D   56—60 C A B D B



  41.C 根据上句中的new fountain可知,小区里新建了一个喷泉,我女儿在那儿玩得很兴奋(excited)。

  42.A 与本空前的内容构成转折。她们并不很熟,但是(but)以前见过面。

  43.B 根据本空后的enjoy可知,我很高兴(glad)有小朋友和女儿一起玩。

  44.A 根据文章首句中的fountain可知,女儿有同龄人一起玩水(water)。

  45.D 根据最后一段的首句可知,我的女儿得到(learn)了一个重要的社会教训。

  46.C 根据第41空前后可知,我女儿跟着小朋友高兴地(happily)来回跑动。


  48.A 根据第47空前的aloud “No!”可知,第47空与后面的shock构成并列,莉莉不和女儿玩,跑开(ran off)了,我看到女儿脸上满是失望(disappointment)和惊讶。

  49.B 我女儿说莉莉不想和她玩(play)。后文中的多处play有提示。


  51.D 我认为她们之间一定有误会(misunderstanding),就告诉女儿应该好好(nicely)问问莉莉是否愿意和她玩。

  52.C 一般来说,这个方法能起作用(work)。


  54.B 根据上文中的another loud “No!”可知,当女儿再饮被拒绝后,我给了女儿一个拥抱(hug),告诉她没关系(okay),还有妈妈、爸爸和小妹妹跟她一块几玩。



  57.A 我告诉女儿,并不是所有人都想跟我们一起玩。如果一个人不想在你身边(around),那也并不意味着你就不被爱(loved)或者对别人不重要了。

  58.B 我认为我解释(explained)得很清楚了。

  59.D 根据下句中的memory可知,虽然女儿没有再提及这件事,但我永远忘(forget)不了。

  60.B 我永远忘不了当时她脸(face)上的表情。第47空前有face有提示。