

  Some days ago, Raul was a little far away from the small farm house in a large valley.  41  seemed to be all right. However, he felt a bit out of the ordinary and somehow uneasy. The wind had become stronger, and dark clouds  42  across the sky. He could sense the approaching rain. So it did. A thunderstorm hit the area.  43 , a lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly  44  Rau. He closed his eyes. The sound of the thunder was so loud that he buried his  45  in his hands and rubbed his eyes. Then he  46  a horse, or something like that, coming. He looked up. There just before him stood a tall, white  47 . An old man was staring down at him from its back.

  “Wh-wh-who are y-y-you?” asked Rau. “My name is Gray Cloud,” the old man answered  48 . “Come with me.”

  Raul followed him. A  49  feeling came over him. All  50  the rain was pouring down,  51  not a drop fell on them. They seemed to be  52  back to Raul’s home. Raul lost track of time. Then all at once he found  53  at the farm gate. The old man turned his horse,  54  his hand, and smiled. Lightning flashed again. The old man and his horse were slowly  55 .

  Raul’s father ran out across the yard to  56  him. “Oh, son, we were  57  about you. Are you okay? Hurry. Let’s get in out of the  58 .”

  “Wait,” said Raul, “Have you ever heard about an old man whose name is Gray Cloud?”

  “Well, I don’t…OH, wait. I  59  my great-grandfather used to tell stories about a man, yes, Gray Cloud. He disappeared a long time ago. They say he was  60  by lightning during a terrible thunderstorm. Why do you ask?”

41.A.Something      B.Anything     C.Everything     D.Nothing

42.A.dropped       B.rushed      C.submitted      D.covered

43.A.Hardly        B.Strongly     C.Quickly      D.Suddenly

44.A.blinding       B.beating      C.getting      D.delighting

45.A.teeth        B.1ips       C.head        D.neck

46.A.thought       B.heard       C.yelled       D.assessed

47.A.tiger        B.elephant     C.donkey       D.horse

48.A.slowly       B.angrily     C.happily      D.lazily

49.A.suspected      B.lost       C.gifted       D.shocked

50.A.through       B.within      C.around       D.below

51.A.Or          B.and       C.so         D.but

52.A.going        B.driving      C.walking       D.returning

53.A.himself       B.themselves    C.him        D.them

54.A.shook        B.held       C.waved       D.took

55.A.out of memory    B.out of touch   C.out of control   D.out of sight

56.A.take         B.beat       C.meet        D.ask

57.A.anxious       B.rough      C.scientific     D.excited

58.A.yard         B.storm      C.farm        D.wind

59.A.forget        B.consider     C.doubt        D.believe

60.A.defeated       B.struck      C.damaged       D.clarified



  41—45 C B D A C   46—50 B D A D C

  51—55 D A A C D   56—60 C A B D B