

  A rare striped(有斑纹的) rabbit, seen only a few times, has run out of its tropical forest home. A graduate student got the chance of a lifetime holding and photographing the little guy on the first day of a three-month period to study the animal’s habitat. The striped rabbit has been spotted only in the old tropical forests of the northern and central Annamite Mountains between the borders of Vietnam and Laos.

  Researcher Sarah Woodfin, who is working under rabbit expert Diana Bell, has always loved rabbits. She and Bell decided to focus on the striped rabbits of Southeast Asia because there is so little known about them. Woodfin said the rabbits have only rarely been photographed in groups, suggesting they lead solitary adult lives.

  Although rabbits have the reputation for being productive breeders, several species are actually at risk of dying out. The Amami rabbit, for example, is under threat from invasive predators(掠食者), and other rabbit species are threatened by warming climates.

  During the 1950s, a virus reduced the rabbit population of the grasslands in southern England. Without rabbits to eat the vegetation, shrubs(灌木丛) took over the area and affected the habitat for butterfly and bird species. Southeast Asia may be at similar risk. Currently, the region is bursting with biodiversity, but deforestation(砍伐森林) could soon change that.

  “More research is necessary to understand why the rabbits have been pushed into isolated forests in Southeast Asia. It is possible that the rabbits once lived in other forest habitats, but that hunting drove them from those spots. We need to know more about the rabbits before that could be properly assessed,” Woodfin said.

32.What do we learn about the striped rabbits of Southeast Asia?

A.They like living near people.

B.They are a mystery to most people.

C.They can be widely seen in Vietnam.

D.They like running out of their habitat.

33.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably shows that the striped ________.

A.live alone

B.grow happily

C.prepare for adult life

D.behave in an intelligent way

34.What is threatening the Amami rabbit according to the text?

A.Climate change.

B.Its lower birthrate.

C.Decrease in the grasslands.

D.New species in its habitat.

35.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A.Deforestation will become a global problem.

B.The biodiversity of Southeast Asia will be threatened.

C.Butterflies in Southeast Asia have been an endangered species.

D.Rabbits in southern England destroy the habitat for bird species.




  32.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的She and Bell decided to focus on the striped rabbits of Southeast Asia because there is so little known about them可知,关于这种兔子的很多事情还是一个谜。

  33.A 句意理解题。根据第二段中的Woodfin said the rabbits have only rarely been photographed in groups可知,这种兔子很少被拍到成群行动,表明它们喜欢独处。

  34.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的The Amami rabbit, for example, is under threat from invasive predators可知,新来的物种威胁到了琉球兔。

  35.B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Currently, the region is bursting with biodiversity, but deforestation could soon change that可知,东南亚的生物多样性将会被破坏。