
Ever since I was young, I have loved professional wrestling. I woke up every Saturday to  41  my favorite “superstars.” My peers would  42  me for following what was called a “man’s soap opera.” So, I put my  43  for wrestling on the shelf. Like everyone else, I wanted to be invited to the  44  and hang out with the popular kids. I became pretty successful.  45  my Friday evenings were busy with parties, I’d still wake up early on Saturdays to watch wrestling.

  It wasn’t until freshman year that I  46  I wasn’t being myself. That year, I  47  many new things and activities. In my town, football was the popular sport, so I decided to play football, thinking it might give me a head start in popularity. But I didn’t do it well. That  48  taught me a lesson:I wasn’t a football player. More importantly, it  49  me to be myself. After that season, I went back to being a wrestling fan. I came across a quote:

  “Don’t dream it. Be it.” When I  50  this, my friend Dan had the same  51  I had. “What if we build a wrestling ring(摔跤场)?” we asked. We acquired the necessary wood and equipment for its  52 .

  The following weekend, we  53  in his backyard. We worked the whole day to build our great establishment. By Sunday night, our mission was  54 . We had a real  55 . We decided to hold an “event”. We improve our wrestling ability. We  56  for hours, trying to improve our wrestling ability. The date was May 24th. Our  57  had a start time of 9 p.m. To our surprise, about one hundred friends and fans showed up to  58  us. It was the most  59  night of my life and complete success.

  We are now well known throughout school. When I walk down the halls, I’m  60  by my peers, who know I did something I believed in, despite what others said or thought.

41.A.watch      B.visit      C.call      D.find

42.A.worry about   B.laugh at     C.look for    D.agree with

43.A.knowledge    B.confidence   C.hope      D.love

44.A.schools     B.meetings     C.parties     D.concerts

45.A.Although     B.Unless     C.Because     D.Since

46.A.remembered    B.realized     C.imagined    D.predicted

47.A.tried      B.refused     C.recorded    D.analyzed

48.A.project     B.competition   C.dream     D.season

49.A.promised     B.forced     C.taught     D.trained

50.A.explained    B.proved     C.taught     D.trained

51.A.problem     B.duty      C.idea      D.mood

52.A.construction   B.research    C.development  D.content

53.A.played      B.met       C.disappeared  D.fought

54.A.stopped     B.destroyed    C.discovered   D.completed

55.A.yard       B.athlete     C.ring      D.event

56.A.talked      B.practiced    C.struggled   D.observed

57.A.show       B.test       C.journey    D.conference

58.A.help       B.follow      C.support    D.persuade

59.A.dangerous    B.important    C.comfortable   D.difficult

60.A.forgiven     B.missed      C.protected    D.respected




  41—45 A B D C A   46—50 B A D C D

  51—55 C A B D C   56—60 B A C B D


  41.A 第45空后watch有提示。每到周六早晨,我就早早起来看(watch)我最爱的摔跤明星。

  42.B 从本空后的man’s soap opera可知,他们在嘲笑(laugh at)我。

  43.D 由文章首句loved判断,由于受到了嘲笑,我就暂时把对摔跤的热爱(love)搁置了起来。

  44.C 第45空后的parties是提示,我也想被邀请参加聚会(parties)。

  45.A 由本空后still wake up early on Saturdays to watch wrestling判断,尽管(Although)周五晚上忙于聚会,但我周六早晨还是早早起来看摔跤。

  46.B 由下文的I wasn’t being myself可知。后来上了大学一年级我才意识到(realized)自己迷失了自我。

  47.A 从下句的I decided to play football可知,那一年,我尝试了(tried)许多新事物和新活动。

  48.D 第49空后的season是提示。

  49.C 上句的taught有提示。这次经历教会(taught)我,一定要做一个真实的自己。


  51.C 从上句quote及下句的What if we build a wrestling ring可知,我读到(read)这句哲理时,一个好朋友也跟我产生了同样的想法(idea)。

  52.A 由本空前的build可知,我们弄了一些木头和设备,准备建(construction)--个摔跤场。

  53.B 从下句的worked得出,我们在他家的后院里碰头(met)。

  54.D 由本空后的Our hard work had paid off可知,到了星期日晚上,我们的任务完工了(completed)。

  55.C 上文的wrestling ring是提示。

  56.B 根据本空后improve our wrestling ability判断,我们练习了(practiced)好几个小时来提高我们的摔跤技能。

  57.A 由上文的event得出,我们的摔跤表演(show)在晚上9点开始。

  58.C 从下句的success可知,让我们惊讶的是,几百个人来给我们捧场(support)。

  59.B 由下文的a complete success判断,那是我一生中最重要的(important)一个夜晚,我们的摔跤表演大获成功。

  60.D 从上句的well known可知,大伙都向我投来敬佩的(respected)目光。