

3 habits of remarkably charming people

  Some people instantly make us feel important. Some people instantly make us feel special. Some people light up a room just by walking in. They're naturally charming. 36  Familiarity leads to, well, familiarity. 

   37 :They build and maintain great relationships, consistently influencing the people around them positively. They’re the kind of people we all want to be around and want to be. Fortunately we can, because being remarkably charming isn’t about our level of Success or our presentation skills or how we dress or the image we project—it’s about what we do. Here are the 3 habits of remarkably charming people:

  They listen more than they talk.

  Ask questions. Maintain eye contact, smile, flown or nod. In a word, respond—not so much verbally, but nonverbally.  38  Then when you do speak, don’t offer advice unless you’re asked. Listening shows you care a lot more than offering advice.


  No one receives enough praise. No one. Tell people what they did well. Wait, you say you don’t know what they did well? Shame on you—it’s your job to know. It’s your job to find out ahead of time. Not only will people appreciate your praise, they’ll appreciate the fact you care enough to pay attention to what they’re doing.

  They choose their words.

  For example, you don’t have to go to a meeting; you get to go meet with other people. You don’t have to create a presentation for a new client; you get to share cool stuff with other people. You don’t have to go to the gym;  40  You don’t have to interview job candidates; you get to select a great person to join your team.

A.Praise IS what we need when we don’t feel good about ourselves.

B.That’s all it takes to show the other person they’re important.

C.you get to work out and improve your health and fitness.

D.But some people are remarkably charming.

E.They discuss the failings of others.

F.Unfortunately, natural charm quickly loses its impact.

G.They shine the spotlight on others.




答案:36—40 F D B G C


  36.F 根据前句naturally charming可推出此空。参考译文:他们天生就充满魅力。很不幸,天生的魅力会很快就失去影响。熟悉总是会造成,唔,熟悉。

  37.D 根据前面一句They’re naturally charming. Unfortunately, natural charm quickly loses its impact.以及后面一句They build and maintain great relationships, consistently influencing the people around them positively. They're the kind of people we all want to be around and want to be.,可推出此空。参考译文:不过有些人非常富有魅力:他们能建立并维持很好的人际关系、总能影响身边的人(正面影响)——他们是那种人人都想和他们在一起……而且人人都想成为的那种人。

  38.B 根据前句Ask questions. Maintain eye contact. Smile. Frown. Nod. Respond--not so much verbally, but nonverbally. 参考译文:提问、眼神交流、微笑、蹙眉、点头、回应——不需要太多的语言、只需要做出姿态。就会要让别人感到他们很重要。

  39.G 通过概括此段内容可知应多表扬多关注别人,把聚光灯打在别人身上。


  40.C 根据前后句,可推出此处需要填出go to the gym的另一种表述。参考译文:举例来说,你不应说你“要去开会”,而要说你“要去和别人会面”;你不应说你“要为新客户制作演示”,而要说你“想和其他人分享一些很酷的东西”;你不应说你要去健身房”,而要说你“想出去锻炼锻炼,改善你的健康”你不应说你要“面试一些求职者”,而要说你“要选择一位了不起的人加入你的团队”。