

  The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He  41  me with a puzzle-- — all because he waved to me like someone does  42  seeing a close friend. A big,  43  smile accompanied his wave. For the next few days I tried to  44  his face to see if I knew him. I didn’t. Perhaps he had  45  me for someone else. By the time I contented myself with the  46  that he and I were strangers, we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.

  Then one day the  47  was solved. As I  48  the school he was standing in the middle of the road  49  his stop sign. I was in line behind four cars.  50  the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he lowered his sign and let the cars  51 . To the first he waved and  52  in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same  53  from the crossing guard, and the driver, a stiff-looking(表情刻板的) businessman, gave a brief, almost  54  wave back. Each following car of kids on their way to school  55  more heartily.

Every morning I continued to watch the man with  56 . So far I haven’t seen anyone  57  to wave back. I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n)  58  to so many people’s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. His  59  armed the start of my day. With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the  60  of the whole neighborhood.

41.A.hit       B.disappointed      C.presented       D.bored

42.A.on        B.from          C.during         D.about

43.A.false      B.shy          C.apologetic       D.bright

44.A.research     B.study          C.recognize       D.explore

45.A.praised     B.blamed         C.mistaken        D.respected

46.A.conclusion   B.description       C.evaluation      D.introduction

47.A.argument     B.disagreement      C.mystery        D.task

48.A.visited     B.approached       C.passed        D.left

49.A.drawing back  B.putting on       C.handing in       D.holding out

50.A.Once       B.Before         C.Unless        D.While

51.A.in        B.through        C.out          D.down

52.A.cried      B.cheered        C.smiled        D.gestured

53.A.idea       B.reply         C.notice        D.greeting

54.A.awkward     B.angry         C.elegant        D.patient

55.A.came      B.responded       C.hurried        D.appeared

56.A.surprise    B.inspiration      C.interest       D.doubt

57.A.fail       B.try           C.wish          D.bother

58.A.offer      B.sacrifice       C.promise        D.difference

59.A.effectiveness  B.cheerfulness      C.carefulness      D.seriousness

60.A.trends      B.observations      C.regulations      D.feelings





  41.C 本句是指那位协管员像老朋友一样向我挥手,给我带来了困惑。present的意思是“把……交给”,搭配是present sb with sth 或present sth to sb。

  42.A 这里on表示 “就在……之后,一……就”。他就像遇到一位老朋友一样向我挥手。

  43.D 他让我困惑,是因为他挥手的同时还在快乐地微笑着。此空格处应用一个褒义bright smile表示“愉快的微笑”。

  44.B study审视,端祥,细看。最后一段第一句有提示。

  45.C mistake…for把……误认为。可能他把我误认为另外一个人了。

  46.A 经过长时间的观察,我得出了一个结论:我和他是陌生人。

  47.C 由下文可知,作者通过观察,弄清了这件“神秘的事,难以理解的事物”。上文puzzle有提示。

  48.B 由上下文可知,他是指挥校门口的交通,让学生安全过马路的,故这里表示当我接近学校时,用approach。

  49.D hold out伸出。他站在路中间伸出“停”的牌子。draw back往回跑,退却,缩回;put on把……放在……上,穿上,增加(体重、肌肉、价钱、速度等);hand in交上,递交,呈送。

  50.A 该协管员的任务就是让学生走到人行道的安全之处,故学生们“一旦”走到安全处,他就会让过往车辆通过。

  51.B let… through放行,让……通过。他放下安全牌,让车辆通过。

  52.C 由本句中in just the same way以及上文可知,他冲着这位司机边招手边微笑。

  53.D 第二辆车从该协管员处得到了同样的问候。从上文该协管员同我打招呼等可推知应用greeting,表示“问候,招呼”。第一段尾句“greeting each other”也有提示。

  54.A 这位司机神情刻板,但在这位协管员的问候下,也受到感染,略略挥了挥手,方式应是有点笨拙的。awkward(动作或表情)笨拙的。

  55.B 随后每辆车子上去上学的孩子都更热诚地回应(该协管员的问候),respond表示“回应”。

  56.C 作者观察得如此仔细,一定是饶有兴趣地观察着这位协管员的。with interest表示“有兴趣地”。

  57.A 由第二段中的每辆车上的人,甚至神情刻板的商人也挥手回应可推知,这里表示没有哪位司机会不回以挥手的。fail to do未能……。

  58.D make a difference to对……产生重大影响,很重要。协管员原本很简单的一些动作改变了许多人的生活,段尾处的change也有提示。

  59.B 他的快乐让人们一大早就有了一个好心情。cheerfulness高兴,快乐。

  60.D 这位协管员的友好的挥手和笑脸让整个街区的人都改变了。feelings感觉,情感。