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Part II Use of Vocabulary and Grammar (total 40 marks)
Section A Multiple Choice (20 marks)
21. — Did the professor say anything that ________ to you especially?
— Not really. Actually I slept halfway through his speech.[来源:学科网ZXXK]
A. addicted           B. attached           C. appealed                 D. referred
22. Diplomas play an important role in job-hunting, but a good diploma cannot be a(n) ________ for a good job.
A. access              B. privilege            C. guarantee                 D. permission
23. If you just spend time ________ advantages and disadvantages, you may get nothing in the end.
A. matching   B. balancing        C. observing             D. examining
24. Sally is very quiet and you never know what she’s thinking. She doesn’t _______ much away.
A. take                B. give               C. have                     D. put
25. The long-awaited season of A Bite of China _______ more than 150 regions across the country and takes six months to film.
A. covers              B. contains            C. obtains                    D. sustains
26. Be grateful for what you have, and you’ll _______ having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.
A. pick up                    B. end up              C. set up               D. take up
27. People who eat out more _______ have higher rates of becoming fat than those who eat at home, for restaurant meals usually have more calories than what we prepare at home.[来源:学科网ZXXK]
A. fundamentally           B. fortunately        C. frequently        D. faithfully
28. Our first priority is to maintain customers’ confidence _______ our product.
A. with                         B. to                     C. on                    D. in
29. There are small, beautiful towns in China where the environment is clean, house prices are on a(n) _______ level and living quality is high.
A. adaptable                  B. adjustable          C. reasonable         D. reliable
30. It is very hard for Mary to work there, for ________ she does can’t satisfy her boss.
A. no matter how          B. however            C. no matter what         D. whatever
31. His first movie _______ next month is based on true story.
A. to release                B. to be released  C. released                 D. being released
32. The reports went missing in 2012 and nobody ________ them ever since.
A. sees                       B. saw                 C. has seen                 D. had seen 
33. The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without _______.
A. recognizing                      B. being recognized      
C. having recognized            D. having been recognized
34. Not only ______ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had picnic in the garden.
A. they brought              B. did they bring            C. brought they             D. they did bring


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