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专题专练: 特殊句式(强调,倒装,省略,反问等)
1、I was really anxious about you.You home without a work.
A、mustn't leave B、shouldn't have left
C、couldn't have left D、needn't leave
2、----I would never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!
---- .
A、Nor am I B、Neither would I C、Same with me D、So do I
3、When first to the market,these products enjoyed great success.
A、introducing B、introduced C、introduce D、being introduced
4、Only by practising a few hours every day be able to master the language.
A、you can B、can you C、you will D、will you
5、Not only polluted but crowded.
A、was the city;were the streets B、the city was;were the streets
C、was the city;the streets were D、the city was;the streets were
6、 did we go swimming in the Changjiang River.
A、Only B、Once C、Seldom D、when
7、It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages attracted the audience's interest.
A、so that B、that C、what D、in which
8、If you don't go there, .
A、so won't I B、nor do I C、neither shall I D、so don't I
9、This new book is designed to help you.In no way to make your life more difficult or less fun.
A、does it mean B、is it intended C、it can intend D、it means

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