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 黄冈中学2011届英语二轮复习专题专练(3): 复合句
 试 卷
 高 三

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1、The old lady's hand shook frequently.She explained to her doctor this shaking had begun half a year before,and ,only because of this,she had been forced to give up her job.
A、when;how B、how;when C、how;how D、why;why
2、 ,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
A、A quiet student as he may be B、Quiet student as he may be
C、Be a quiet student as he may D、Quiet as he may be a student
3、He was educated at a local grammar school, he went on to Cambridge.
A、from which B、after that C、after which D、from this
4、---- that he managed to get the information.
----Oh,a friend of his helped him.
A、Where was it B、What was it C、How was it D、Why was it
5、George Orwell, was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays.
A、the real name B、what his real name C、his real name D、whose real name
6、We can not figure out quite a number of insects,birds,and animals are dying out.
A、that B、as C、why D、when
7、 is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.
A、It B、As C、That D、What
8、We were told that we should follow the main road we reached the central railway station.
A、whenever B、until C、while D、wherever
9、Jim passed the driving test, surprised everybody in the office.
A、which B、that C、this D、it

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