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1、 on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is major concern of the country.
A、The;/ B、The;a C、An;the D、An;/
2、Some boys think that Nike basketball shoes,though still must –have item for some students, are becoming out of date.
A、/;the B、a; the C、a;/ D、the; A
3、 teacher of my grandmother's is coming the day after tomorrow. I'm wondering how old women she should be.
A、The; a B、A; a C、A; the D、The; the
4、When you finish reading the book, you will have better understanding of life.
A、a; the B、the; a C、/;the D、a;/
5、The newspaper did not mention the of the damage caused by the fire.
A、range B、level C、extent D、quantity
6、This book tells life story of John Smith, who left school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.
A、the; the B、a; the C、the;/ D、a;/
7、How do you turn big White House into home, a sweet home ?That is one of the challenges faced by each first lady in America.
A、the; a B、a; the C、a; a D、the; the
8、As is known to all, tiger is in danger of dying out.
A、a; a B、the;/ C、a;/ D、the; the
9、Health and______ education are matters that______ most voters feel strongly about.
A、the; the B、the;/ C、/;/ D、a; the

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