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1、----Would you mind my opening the door?
----Oh, .
A、you're welcome B、I think so C、that's all right D、not at all
2、----Hi,Jack!I'm glad I came across you here.
---- ,Alice?
A、Who is that speaking B、How about another cup of tea
C、Why?What's up D、What can I do for you
3、----May I take your order now?
----OK,I'll come back in a few minutes.
A、 Could you bring us the bill? B、Sure,we'd love to
C、Yes,here it is.Thank you. D、No,we need more time
4、----The book isn't easy for Jack to understand,is it?
---- .His foreign language is far better than expected.
A、No,it isn't B、I'm afraid not C、I don't think so D、Yes,it is
5、----You speak very good English.
---- .
A、And so do you B、Far from very good
C、Worse than you do D、Thanks for your praise
----I had a great time, too.I'll call you this week and perhaps we can go out again next weekend.
A、Thank you for a lovely evening B、Did you have a good time?
C、A lovely evening,isn't it? D、How did you spend this weekend?

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