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1、The driver began to speed up to for the hour he'd lost in the traffic jam.
A、keep up B、take up C、catch up D、make up
2、----Have you any information?
----No,I'm going to the business department.
A、picked up;call at B、picked out;call on C、got;call on D、received;drop in
3、The Love Detector is lie—detection software developed by Nemesysco Ltd of Istael.
A、used as B、based on C、produced by D、fixed for
4、There is a piece of board at the gate of the construction,which reads: without permission.
A、Keep out B、Keep away C、Keep off D、Keep up
5、I often the dictionary when I meet with new words.
A、refer to B、look into C、look through D、consult with
6、The research findings have been long enough.
A、held out B、held down C、held back D、held off
7、I think it important that out country these countries.
A、keep in touch with B、keeps away C、keeps in touch with D、gets in touch
8、His idea of having weekly family meals together,which seemed difficult at first,has many good changes in their lives.
A、got through B、resulted from C、turned into D、brought about
9、Please tell me how the accident .I am still in the dark.
A、came by B、came upon C、came to D、came about

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