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1、It is easy to do the repair, you need is a hammer and some nails.
A、something B、all C、both D、everything
2、The population of China is larger than of Japan.
A、this B、that C、those D、these
3、We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen.So Peter made from some wood we had.
A、it B、one C、himself D、another
4、Of the five men one is from Japan,and are from China.
A、other four B、the other four C、four others D、others
5、----Was it in 1969 the American astronaut succeeded landing on the moon?
----Yes,that's right.
A、when;on B、that;on C、which;in D、that;in
6、Both teams were in hard training was willing to lose the game.
A、either B、neither C、another D、the other
7、I don't think of the young couple was pleased to see us.They had gone away when we reached their house.
A、none B、either C、neither D、any
8、----Who could do a thing like this?
---- but my brother ,I'm afraid.
A、Anyone B、Nobody C、Everybody D、Someone
9、 to the concert tomorrow.
A、All but he and I am going B、All but he and I are going
C、All but he and me are going D、All but his and me am going

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