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1、Unfortunately,when I dropped in,Doctor Li for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS,so we only had time for a few words.
A、just left B、has just left C、is just leaving D、was just leaving
2、----If the traffic hadn't been so heavy,I could have been back by 6 o'clock.
----What a pity!Tina here to see you.
A、is B、was C、would be D、has been
3、He me that he here for twenty years by this year.
A、told;will teach B、tells;will have been teaching
C、told;had taught D、told;would have been teaching
4、Since I won the big prize,my telephone hasn't stopped ringing.People to ask how I am going to spend the money.
A、phone B、will phone C、were phoning D、are phoning
5、This is one of the oldest temples in China.It the 9th century.
A、is dated from B、is dated back to C、was dated from D、dates back to
6、The new trend of the flowing army of migrant workers the attention of lawmakers and government advisers who in Beijing for their annual sessions this week.
A、caught;is gatherintg B、catch;have gathered
C、are catching;are gathered D、has caught;are gathering
7、The fact he didn't recognize me means that I a lot in the past few years.
A、that;changed B、which;had changed
C、when;changed D、that;have changed

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