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1、She doesn't speak her friend Rose,but her written work proves excellent.
A、as well as B、so often as C、as much as D、the way like
2、----Mum,I think I'm to get back to school.
----Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for another day or two.
A、so well B、so good C、well enough D、good enough
3、John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .
A、open B、to be opened C、to open D、opening
4、We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining .
A、badly B、hardly C、strongly D、heavily
5、Your uncle seems to be a good driver; ,I wouldn't dare to travel in his car.
A、even so B、even though C、threrfore D、so
6、Good ways of doing things mean saving time,and it is necessary for us to find them.
A、therefore B、however C、still D、otherwise
7、After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced tractors in 2001 as the year before.
A、as twice many B、as many twice C、twice many as D、twice as many
8、----Do you remember he came?
----Yes,I do.He came by car.
A、how B、when C、that D、if
9、I won't go to his party next time.It couldn't have been ,in fact.
A、any better B、any worse C、so bad D、the best

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