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1、It is reported that the United States uses energy as the whole of Europe.
A、as twice B、twice much C、twice much as D、twice as much
2、The writer of the novel is a professor in his .
A、thirtieth B、thirty C、thirty's D、thirties
3、----How many pens would you like,Madame?
----Well,I want these.
A、three dozen B、three dozen of C、three dozens D、three dozens of
4、Paper produced every year is the world's production of vehicles.
A、the three times weight of B、three times the weight of
C、as three times heavy as D、three times as heavier as
5、Three of students are needed to plant trees this afternoon.
A、hundred;the B、hundreds;the C、hundred;/ D、hundred;these
6、There were passengers waiting at the bus stop.
A、two scores B、two scores of C、scores D、two score of
7、His bed-room is always .
A、at six and seven B、at sixes and sevens
C、at sixth and seventh D、at sixths and sevenths
8、You can't understand the novel well you understand the writer who wrote it.
A、though B、whether C、otherwise D、unless

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