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  It was the first snow of winter — an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been able to dress myself for recess(课间休息), but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher at Princess Elizabeth School near Hamilton, Ontario, had been through first snow days many times in her long career, but I think she may still remember this one.

  I managed to get into my wool snow pants. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and matching scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots. In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.

  I handed her my boots and stuck out my feet. Like most children, I expected the adult to do all the work. After much wiggling and pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.

  I announced, “They’re on the wrong feet.” With the grace that only experience can bring, she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. Then I said, “These aren’t my boots, you know.” As she pulled the offending boots from my feet, she still managed to look both helpful and interested. Once they were off, I said, “They are my brother’s boots. My mother makes me wear them, and I hate them!” Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. She pushed and shoved, less gently this time, and the boots were returned to their proper place on my feet. With a great sigh of relief, seeing the end of her struggle with me, she asked, “Now, where are your gloves?”

  I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I put them into the toes of my boots.”

21.According to the passage,the little girl got from her brother.

A.the wool snow pants and the jacket

B.the jacket and the boots

C.the jacket and the hat

D.the boots and the gloves

22.What made it so hard for the teacher to help the little girl put her boots on?

A.The gloves in the toes of the boots.

B.The slowness of the teacher.

C.The wrong size of the boots.

D.The unwillingness of the girl.

23.It can be inferred that before the little girl finally went out to enjoy the first snow of winter, the teacher had to help her put on her boots ________.

A.once           B.twice

C.three times        D.four times

24.Which of the following sentences from the text BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate?

A.In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, …” (Paragraph 2)

B.With the grace that only experience can bring, she struggled to… (Paragraph 4)

C.… she still managed to look both helpful and interested. (Paragraph 4)

D.… she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl. (Paragraph 4)



  When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously(同时地) about a variety of subjects, including children, men, careers and what’s happening in their lives. When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up. Men can either talk or watch the screen—they can’t do both—and they don’t understand that women can. Besides, women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships—not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.

  During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. He is unable, unlike women, to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feeling emotionally. Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group, they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships. For a woman, speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends. For men, to talk is to relate the facts.

  Men see the telephone as a communication tool for sending facts and information to other people, but a woman sees it as a means of bonding. A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and, when she returns home, telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.

  There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning, the fact that girls’ mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys. Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author of Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conducted experiments that found mothers talked to, and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys. Scientific evidence shows parents respond to the brain bias of their children. Since a girl’s brain is better organized to send and receive speech, we therefore talk to them more. Consequently, mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually disappointed to receive only short grunts(哼声) in reply.

25.While watching TV with others, women usually talk a lot because they ________.

A.are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friends

B.can both talk and watch the screen at the same time

C.think they can have a good time and develop relationships

D.have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands

26.After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to ________.

A.experience the happy time again

B.keep a close tie with her

C.recommend her a new scenic spot

D.remind her of something forgotten

27.What does the author want to tell us most?

A.Women’s brains are better organized for language and communication.

B.Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men.

C.Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts.

D.Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking.

28.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Women Are Socially Trained to Talk

B.Talking Maintains Relationships

C.Women Love to Talk

D.Men Talk Differently from Women



Transport Guide

  The Brisbane City Council(BCC) is responsible for bus and ferry services within the city limits and suburbs. Most buses will either arrive at the city or an interchange where connecting buses can be caught. BCC buses operate from 5:30 am to 11:00 pm Monday to Thursday and 5:30 am to 12:00 am on Fridays. On weekends and public holidays buses operate less frequently. Prepaid bus tickets can be purchased from the QUT (Queensland University of Technology) bookshop, the campus newsagency, most other newsagencies and general stores, and any BCC Customer Service Centre. Short-term students at QUT cannot use their ID cards to gain a discount fare on BCC public transport. You will need to buy an adult ticket to travel. Bus fares are dependent on the number of zones you have to travel. There are several types of tickets:


Cost (AUD)



Off-peak Daily

Ten-trip Saver
























  Singleone way ticket to reach your destination, including transfers within 2 hours.

  Dailyunlimited travel within the zones.

  Off-peak Dailydiscounted unlimited travel between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm and after 7:00 pm Monday to Friday, and all day on weekends and public holidays.

  Weeklyunlimited travel within the zones for one week from the date of issue.

  Monthlyunlimited travel within the zones for one calendar month from the date of issue.

  Ten-trip Saver10 trips at any time within the zones on buses and ferries only.

  Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from:

  Public Transport Information Centre

  69 Ann Street (corner of George St)

  Brisbane City

  Phone 13 12 30 (Transport Information Service)

29.The transport guide above is most likely provided by ________.

A.Public Transport Information Centre

B.the Brisbane City Council

C.Queensland University of Technology

D.BCC Customer Service Centres

30.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.buses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidays

B.regular students at QUT need to buy adult tickets

C.pre-paid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information Centre

D.Ten-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time

31.An exchange student staying at QUT for five days has to travel between zones every day. What type of ticket would he probably buy?

A.Single.          B.Weekly.

C.Off-peak Daily.      D.Ten-trip Saver.



  Have you ever noticed the colour of the water in a river or stream after a heavy rainfall? What do you think caused this change in colour? It is soil that has been washed into the river from the riverbank or from the nearby fields.

  Components of Soil

  Soil is made up of a number of layers each having its own distinctive colour and texture. The upper layer is known as the litter. It acts like a blanket, limiting temperature changes and reducing water loss. The topsoil layer is made up of small particles of rock mixed with rotten plant and animal matter called humus(腐殖质), which is black and gives the topsoil its dark colour. This layer is usually rich in nutrients, oxygen, and water. Below the topsoil is the subsoil, a layer that contains more stones mixed with only small amounts of organic matter. This layer is lighter in colour because of the lack of humus. Beneath the soil lies a layer of bedrock.

  Soil forms from the bottom up. Over time bedrock is attacked by rain, wind, frost, and snow. It is gradually broken down into smaller particles in a process called weathering. Plants begin to grow, and rotten materials enrich the topsoil. Most of the soil in Eastern Canada, for example, was formed from weathered rock that was exposed when the ice disappeared 12,000 years ago.

  Water Beneath the Soil

  Surface water collects and flows above the ground in lakes, ponds, and rivers. Once in the soil or rock, it is called groundwater. Gravity pulls groundwater through the soil in a process called percolation(渗透). Eventually the water reaches a layer called the water table. Under this is bedrock through which water cannot percolate.

  As water percolates downward, it dissolves organic matter and minerals from the soil and carries them to deeper layers. This causes a serious problem because plants require these nutrients for growth.

  Soil pH

  Soil can be acidic, neutral, or basic. The pH of the soil is determined by the nature of the rock from which it was formed, and by the nature of the plants that grow and rot in it.

  The acidity of rain and snow can lower the pH of the groundwater that enters the soil. By burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gasoline, humans have been contributing to higher levels of acidity in many soils. When fossil fuels are burned, gases are released into the air and then fall back to earth as acid rain. Acid soil increases the problem of carrying nutrients to lower soil levels. As nutrients are removed, soil is less fertile. Plants grow more slowly in acidic soil, and also become easily attacked by diseases.

32.The layer of soil that provides necessary nutrients for plant growth is called ________.

A.litter           B.topsoil

C.humus            D.subsoil

33.According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Soil forms from weathered rock on the earth surface.

B.The deeper layer of soil is darker in colour than the surface soil.

C.Air pollution is partially responsible for acid soil.

D.Groundwater tends to carry away nutrients for plant growth.

34.We can infer from the passage that the water table lies ________.

A.between the topsoil layer and the subsoil layer

B.in the subsoil layer above bedrock

C.between the subsoil layer and bedrock

D.in the bedrock layer beneath the subsoil

35.The underlined word “dissolve” is used to express the idea that organic matter and minerals from soil are ________.

A.rushed away into the river

B.cleaned and purified by water

C.destroyed and carried away by water

D.mixed with water and become part of it




  There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a “habit”.  36  How you answer the phone is a habit. The way you sit in the car when you drive is a habit. Have you ever tried to change the way you do something, after you’ve done it in a certain way for so long? It’s easy to do as long as you think about it. The minute your mind drifts to something else, you go right back to the old way of doing things.  37  It’s a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace. To change an existing habit or form a new one can be a tedious(单调乏味的) task.

  Let’s pick something fairly easy to start with, like spending 15 minutes in the morning reading the Bible. If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it.  38  Make a firm decision to do this on a daily basis.

Imprint(铭刻) it in your mind. Write several notes to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. By the alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door, in your briefcase, and under your car keys are good places to start.

  After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, “Hey, I forgot to... ”. Keep using the notes if you have to.  39  Some people say it will take over a month to solidify it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine.  40 .

A.What is a “habit” anyway?

B.Is doing things in an old way good?

C.Brushing your teeth is a habit.

D.Forming a bad habit is easy.

E.It takes 16 to 21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit.

F.If you don’t, you will find a way to do everything but that.

G.That’s something you won’t necessarily have to think about before you do it — habit.





  The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school. He  41  me with a puzzle-- — all because he waved to me like someone does  42  seeing a close friend. A big,  43  smile accompanied his wave. For the next few days I tried to  44  his face to see if I knew him. I didn’t. Perhaps he had  45  me for someone else. By the time I contented myself with the  46  that he and I were strangers, we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.

  Then one day the  47  was solved. As I  48  the school he was standing in the middle of the road  49  his stop sign. I was in line behind four cars.  50  the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk, he lowered his sign and let the cars  51 . To the first he waved and  52  in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days. The kids already had the window down and were happily waving their reply. The second car got the same  53  from the crossing guard, and the driver, a stiff-looking(表情刻板的) businessman, gave a brief, almost  54  wave back. Each following car of kids on their way to school  55  more heartily.

Every morning I continued to watch the man with  56 . So far I haven’t seen anyone  57  to wave back. I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n)  58  to so many people’s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. His  59  armed the start of my day. With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the  60  of the whole neighborhood.

41.A.hit       B.disappointed      C.presented       D.bored

42.A.on        B.from          C.during         D.about

43.A.false      B.shy          C.apologetic       D.bright

44.A.research     B.study          C.recognize       D.explore

45.A.praised     B.blamed         C.mistaken        D.respected

46.A.conclusion   B.description       C.evaluation      D.introduction

47.A.argument     B.disagreement      C.mystery        D.task

48.A.visited     B.approached       C.passed        D.left

49.A.drawing back  B.putting on       C.handing in       D.holding out

50.A.Once       B.Before         C.Unless        D.While

51.A.in        B.through        C.out          D.down

52.A.cried      B.cheered        C.smiled        D.gestured

53.A.idea       B.reply         C.notice        D.greeting

54.A.awkward     B.angry         C.elegant        D.patient

55.A.came      B.responded       C.hurried        D.appeared

56.A.surprise    B.inspiration      C.interest       D.doubt

57.A.fail       B.try           C.wish          D.bother

58.A.offer      B.sacrifice       C.promise        D.difference

59.A.effectiveness  B.cheerfulness      C.carefulness      D.seriousness

60.A.trends      B.observations      C.regulations      D.feelings




  There’s an often unrecognized risk in most Canadian homes that causes a  61 (potential) deadly threat to young children — the big-screen TV.

Those top-heavy, flat-screen televisions can fall onto children and crush  62 (they) tiny bodies, researchers say. In a review of 29 studies from seven countries  63  (publish) on Tuesday, the authors found that tens of thousands of children  64 (harm) by falling TVs.

  In the United States, for instance, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported 19,200 TV-related  65 (injure) from 2008 to 2010, about 85 percent of which  66  (occur) in the home and more than three-quarters were not witnessed by a parent.

  “In most cases, TVs are placed on unstable bases or on high furniture like dressers,  67  aren’t designed for TVs, or are not properly secured to the wall,” one researcher said.

  A 2005 study showed 18 children, aged  68  12 months and 10 years old, had been treated for a range of injuries due to falling TVs between 1992 and 2005. Many of them were left with some symptoms.

In fact, this phenomenon can be prevented  69  families make sure their TVs can’t possibly fall over and that children  70 (watch) TV are monitored.










  I like eating fruit and vegetables what are of great benefit to our healthy. Not only do they prevent us from falling into ill, but they also help us lose weight. I used to hate vegetables, but followed the doctor’s advice, I gradually kicked a bad habit. Just as the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Therefore, there are still many children who don’t like fruit or vegetables. On the contrary, influence by this or that kind of advertisement, many were crazy about junk food. Consequently, they become weaker and weaker instead of getting strong. In my opinion, we must take action change it.









  Dear Mike,






Li Hua

